Can You Help?
Amistad International needs your help. We depend on the generosity of people like you who enable us to fund our ever-expanding outreach programs.
There are three ways you can make a tax-deductible donation to Amistad International: by check, credit card or PayPal.
- Mail a check made payable to Amistad International to: Amistad International, 2205 Shirland Tract Road, Auburn, CA 95603.
- To donate by PayPal or credit card fill out the form on this page. You don’t need an account to donate through PayPal. Please specify on the form which program you want to help or let us apply the funds where they are most needed.
If you would like to honor someone’s birthday, anniversary, birth, retirement or memorial with a donation, we will send an acknowledgment letter to the family or individual you designate.
Amistad International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation so your donation is tax-deductible. Our EIN number is available upon request.
Have you considered including Amistad in your will?

Paintings by Kee Flynn
Help Amistad International and grace your home with a beautiful original painting by Santa Barbara artist Kee Flynn. All proceeds from the sale of Kee’s paintings go to support Amistad’s work and are tax deductible. Kee’s art is notable for its original treatment of conventional subjects, using simple forms and expressive brushwork to depict nature in gloriously vibrant tones. You can see more of Kee’s work at